Arthur Chew Consulting, LLC

Preparing New York for a Future Hurricane Sandy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm of massive proportions. In fact, it was the deadliest and most destructive storm of 2012. 

Because of this super storm, nearly 24 states were terribly impacted, particularly the eastern seaboard. However, New York and New Jersey were severely affected, leaving major chaos across the two states.
Recently, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg initiated a $20 billion system for flood barriers which will be used to protect low-lying areas from prospective storms. 

The reason for this system is due to the results of Hurricane Sandy, which is still impacting victims eight months later. 

Mayor Michael Bloomberg made roughly 250 recommendations regarding this project. As a part of this new development, he suggested installing bulkheads and dune systems on beach areas of Staten Island and on the Rockaways in Queens. He additionally suggested bolstering building codes to protect hospitals. Bloomberg followed the information based on the evidence provided by environmental scientists who predicted that sea levels will rise to 31 inches by 2050. 

Bloomberg believes that implementing bulkheads and dune systems as well as other preventive measures will benefit the region. Although the state has come a very long way ever since the initial blow of Hurricane Sandy, Bloomberg is attempting to keep the area safe from any potential threats. 

Mayor Bloomberg is working as quickly and as urgently as he can to keep New York safe. He refuses to pass responsibility to another administration and feels work must be accomplished immediately.
According to Mayor Bloomberg, New York can rely on $10 billion in city capital funding and federal aid as well as $5 billion in U.S. disaster relief. 

With this new project, New York can be better prepared for a storm similar to Hurricane Sandy.



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